Sunday, November 27, 2005

stella and I...

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my new one...

doesn't even look like me...


Sunday, November 13, 2005


i'm just pissed off...

there's a lot of those puta madres en mi place de trabajar!!!


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she asked me to contribute...

i said yes..

and, yes, we are friends and we have met a couple of times...

madz's not so great idea...

welcome to the beginning of the end...

anyway, madz asked me to be a contributor of her blog and naturally i felt honored, flattered and confused because the first thing that went inside my mind was "how the hell do we do that?"

and naturally (again), i asked her in all honesty... "how (expletive deleted coz she's a lady) do we do that?"....

a communication in our yahoo IM 's happened and to make the short story shorter...

here i am!open, raw and, well, slightly evil.welcome to the beginning of the end.

oh, and, let the show begin!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

le fate ignoranti

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the seven years we spent together, for the part of you i miss, that

part i'll never have, for everytime you said: "i can't", and for

everytime you said: "i'll come back".

forever waiting, can i call my patience, "love"?

Sunday, November 06, 2005


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come and hold my hand

i wanna contact the living

not sure i understand

this role i've been given...

(robbie williams)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

feliz dia de los muertos!!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

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this is the altar that i used to place you in...

i used to offer flowers and candle to you...

you used to give me internal peace and joy...

now, would it be too much to pray for your return?